Orr SE, Hedrick NA, Murray KA, Pasupuleti AK, and Goodisman MAD. 2024. Genetic effects and caste conflict in social phenotypes of wasps. Heredity. 133:126-136. DOI: 10.1038/s41437-024-00701-5. pdf.
Catto, MA, Caine PB, Orr SE, Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2024. Genomic analyses of the southern and eastern yellowjacket wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) reveal evolutionary signatures of social life. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. DOI: 10.1093/aesa/saae023. pdf.
Orr SE, Hedrick NA, Murray KA, Pasupuleti AK, and Goodisman MAD. 2024. Novel insights into paternity skew in a polyandrous social wasp. Insect Science. DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.13343. pdf.
Du J, Goodisman MAD. 2024. The role of epigenetics in insects in changing environments. Insect Molecular Biology. 33(5):429-431. DOI: 10.1111/imb.12947. pdf.
Goodisman MAD. 2023. The curse of invasive social insects. Insectes Sociaux (70):283-284. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00040-023-00932-5. pdf.
Avinery R, Aina KO, Dyson CJ, Kuan H-S, Betterton M, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2023. Agitated ants: regulation and self-organization of incipient nest excavation via collisional cues. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 20: 2022059712. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0597. pdf.
Orr SP, Goodisman MAD. Social insect transcriptomics and the molecular basis of caste diversity. 2023. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 57: 101040. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2023.101040. pdf.
Dyson CJ, Pfennig A, Ariano-Sanchez D, Lachance J, Mendelson III JR, Goodisman MAD. 2022. Genome of the endangered Guatemalan Beaded Lizard, Heloderma charlesbogerti, reveals evolutionary relationships of squamates and declines in effective population sizes. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics. 12(12). DOI: 10.1093/g3journal/jkac276. pdf.
Dyson CJ, Crossley, HG, Ray CH, and Goodisman MAD. 2022. Social structure of perennial Vespula squamosa wasp colonies. Ecology and Evolution. 12(2):e8569. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8569. pdf.
Aina KO, Avinery R, Kuan H-S, Betterton MD, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2022. Toward Task Capable Active Matter: Learning to Avoid Clogging in Confined Collectives via Collisions. Frontiers in Physics 10. DOI:10.3389/fphy.2022.735667. pdf.
Suarez AV and Goodisman MAD. 2021. Non-kin cooperation in ants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9:736757. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.736757. pdf.
Yi SV and Goodisman MAD. 2021. The impact of epigenetic information on genome evolution. Philsophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 7;376(1826):20200114. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0114. pdf.
Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2021. Editorial overview: Social insects as invasive species. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 46:iii-v. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2021.08.003. pdf.
Dyson CJ, Piscano OL, Durham RM, Thompson VJ, Johnson CH, Goodisman MAD. 2021. Temporal analysis of effective population size and mating system in a social wasp. Journal of Heredity. DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esab057. pdf.
Thomas GWC, Dohmen E, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Poelchau M, Glastad K, Anstead CA, Ayoub NA, Batterham P, Bellair M, Binford GJ, Chao H, Chen YH, Childers C, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HV, Duan JJ, Dugan S, Esposito LA, Friedrich M, Garb J, Gasser RB, Goodisman MAD, Gundersen-Rindal DE, Han Y, Handler AM, Hatakeyama M, Hering L, Hunter WB, Ioannidis P, Jayaseelan JC, Kalra D, Khila A, Korhonen PK, Lee CE, Lee SL, Li YY, Lindsey ARI, Mayer G, McGregor AP, McKenna DD, Misof B, Munidasa M, Munoz-Torres M, Muzny DM, Niehuis O, Osuji-Lacy N, Palli SR, Panfilio KA, Pechmann M, Perry T, Peters RS, Poynton HC, Prpic NM, Qu JX, Rotenberg D, Schal C, Schoville SD, Scully ED, Skinner E, Sloan DB, Stouthamer R, Strand MR, Szucsich NU, Wijeratne A, Young ND, Zattara EE, Benoit JB, Zdobnov EM, Pfrender ME, Hackett KJ, Werren JH, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Chipman AD, Waterhouse RM, Bornberg-Bauer E, Hahn MW, Richards S. 2020. Gene content evolution in the arthropods. Genome Biology. 21: ARTN 15. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-019-1925-7. pdf.
Dyson CJ, Goodisman MAD. Gene duplication in the honeybee: Patterns of DNA methylation, gene expression, and genomic environment. 2020. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 37(8):2322–2331. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msaa088. pdf.
Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2019. Epigenetics in insects: Genome regulation and the generation of phenotypic diversity. Annual Review of Entomology. 64:185-203. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ento-011118-111914. pdf.
Aguilar J, Monaenkova D, Linevich V, Savoie W, Dutta B, Kuan HS, Betterton MD, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2018. Collective clog control: Optimizing traffic flow in confined biological and robophysical excavation. Science. 361:672-677. DOI: 10.1126/science.aan3891. pdf
Chau LM, Groh AM, Anderson EC, Alcala MO, Mendelson JR, Braccini Slade S, Kerns K, Sarro S, Lusardi C, Goodisman MAD. 2018. Genetic diversity and sex ratios of naked mole rat, Heterocephalus glaber, zoo populations. Zoo Biology. 37:171-182. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21417. pdf
Poynton HC, Hasenbein S, Benoit JB, Sepulveda MS, Poelchau MF, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Chen S, Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD, Werren JH, Vineis JH, Bowen JL, Friedrich M, Jones J, Robertson HM, Feyereisen R, Mechler-Hickson A, Mathers N, Lee CE, Colbourne JK, Biales A, Johnston JS, Wellborn GA, Rosendale AJ, Cridge AG, Munoz-Torres MC, Bain PA, Manny AR, Major KM, Lambert FN, Vulpe CD, Tuck P, Blalock BJ, Lin YY, Smith ME, Ochoa-Acuna H, Chen MJM, Childers CP, Qu JX, Dugan S, Lee SL, Chao H, Dinh H, Han Y, Doddapanen H, Worley KC, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. 2018. The Toxicogenome of Hyalella azteca: A Model for Sediment Ecotoxicology and Evolutionary Toxicology. Environmental Science & Technology. 52:6009-6022. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00837. pdf
Chau LM, Goodisman MAD. 2017. Gene duplication and the evolution of phenotypic diversity in insect societies. Evolution. 71:2871-2884. pdf
Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD, Yi SV, Hunt BG. 2016. Effects of DNA methylation and chromatin state on rates of molecular evolution in insects. Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 6:357-363. pdf
McKenna DD, Scully ED, Pauchet Y, Hoover K, Kirsch R, Geib SM, Mitchell RF, Waterhouse RM, Ahn S-J, Arsala D, Benoit JB, Blackmon H, Bledsoe T, Bowsher JH, Busch A, Calla B, Chao H, Childers AK, Childers C, Clarke D, Cohen L, Demuth JP, Dinh H, Doddapaneli H, Dolan M, Duan JJ, Dugan S, Friedrich M, Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD, Haddad S, Han Y, Hughes DST, Loannidis P, Johnston JS, Jones JW, Kuhn LA, Lance DR, Lee C-Y, Lee SL, Lin H, Lynch JA, Moczek AP, Murali SC, Muzny DM, Nelson DR, Palli SR, Panfilio KA, Pers D, Poelchau MF, Quan H, Qu J, Ray AM, Rinehart JP, Robertson HM, Roehrdanz RL, Rosendale AJ, Shin S, Silva C, Torson AC, Vargas Jentzch IM, Werren JH, Worley KC, Yocum GD, Zdobnov EM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. 2017. Genome of the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis), a globally significant invasive species, reveals key functional and evolutionary innovations at the beetle-plant interface. Genome Biology. 17:227. doi 10.1186/s13059-016-1088-8. pdf
Glastad KM, Gokhale K, Liebig J, Goodisman MAD. The caste- and sex-specific DNA methylome of the termite Zootermopsis nevadensis. Scientific Reports. 6:37110. pdf
Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2015. DNA methylation and chromatin organization in insects: insights from the ant Camponotus floridanus. Genome Biology and Evolution. 7:931-942. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evv039. pdf
Chau LM, Hanna C, Jenkins LJ, Kutner RE, Burns EA, Kremen C, Goodisman MAD. 2015. Population genetic structure of the predatory, social wasp Vespula pensylvanica in its native and invasive range. Ecology and Evolution. 5:5573-5587. pdf
Gravish N, Gold G, Zangwell A, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2015. Glass-like dynamics in confined and congested ant traffic. Soft Matter. 11:6552-6561. Cover photo. pdf
Monaenkova D, Gravish N, Rodriguez G, Kutner R, Goodisman MAD, and Goldman DI. 2015. Behavioral and mechanical determinants of robust collective subsurface nest excavation. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:1295-1305. pdf
Kapheim KM, Pan HL, Li C, Salzberg SL, Puiu D, Magoc T, Robertson HM, Hudson ME, Venkat A, Fischman BJ, Hernandez A, Yandell M, Ence D, Holt C, Yocum GD, Kemp WP, Bosch J, Waterhouse RM, Zdobnov EM, Stolle E, Kraus FB, Helbing S, Moritz RFA, Glastad KM2, Hunt BG2, Goodisman MAD, Hauser F, Grimmelikhuijzen CJP, Pinheiro DG, Nunes FMF, Soares MPM, Tanaka ED, Simoes ZLP, Hartfelder K, Evans JD, Barribeau SM, Johnson RM, Massey JH, Southey BR, Hasselmann M, Hamacher D, Biewer M, Kent CF, Zayed A, Blatti C, Sinha S, Johnston JS, Hanrahan SJ, Kocher SD, Wang J, Robinson GE, Zhang GJ. 2015. Genomic signatures of evolutionary transitions from solitary to group living. Science. 348:1139-1143. pdf
Glastad KM, Chau L, Goodisman MAD. 2015. Epigenetics in social insects. In: Advances in Insect Physiology-Physiology, Behavior, and Genomics of Social Insects. (Eds. Kent CF, Zayed A.) 48:227-269. pdf
Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2014. Evolutionary insights into DNA methylation in insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 1:25-30. pdf
Terrapon N, Li C, Robertson HM, Ji L, Meng XH, Booth W, Chen ZS, Childers CP, Glastad KM, Gokhale K, Gowin J, Gronenberg W, Hermansen RA, Hu HF, Hunt BG, Huylmans AK, Khalil SMS, Mitchell RD, Munoz-Torres MC, Mustard JA, Pan HL, Reese JT, Scharf ME, Sun FM, Vogel H, Xiao J, Yang W, Yang ZK, Yang ZQ, Zhou JJ, Zhu JW, Brent CS, Elsik CG, Goodisman MAD, Liberles DA, Roe RM, Vargo EL, Vilcinskas A, Wang J, Bornberg-Bauer E, Korb J, Zhang GJ, Liebig J. 2014. Molecular traces of alternative social organization in a termite genome. Nature Communications. 5:Art No. 3636. doi:10.1038/ncomms4636. pdf
Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Yi SV, Goodisman MAD. 2014. Epigenetic inheritance and genome regulation: is DNA methylation linked to ploidy in haplodiploid insects? Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281:Doi 10.1098/Rspb.2014.0411. pdf
Hanna C, Cook ED, Thompson AR, Dare LE, Palaski AL, Foote D, Goodisman MAD. 2014. Colony social structure in native and invasive populations of the social wasp Vespula pensylvanica. Biological Invasions. 16:283-294. pdf
Hunt BG, Glastad KM, Yi SV, Goodisman MAD. 2013. The function of intragenic DNA methylation: insights from insect epigenomes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 53:319-328. pdf
Gravish N, Monaenkova D, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2013. Climbing falling and jamming during ant locomotion in confined environments.Proceedings of the National
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Hunt BG, Glastad KM, Yi SV, Goodisman MAD. 2013. Patterning and regulatory associations of DNA methylation are mirrored by histone modifications in insects.Genome Biology and Evolution. 5:591-598. pdf
Hunt BG, Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD. 2013. Genome composition, caste, and molecular evolution in eusocial insects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 110:E445-E446. pdf
Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2013. Evidence of a conserved functional role for DNA methylation in termites. Insect Molecular Biology. 22:143-154. pdf
Hunt BG, Ometto L, Keller L, Goodisman MAD. 2013. Evolution at two levels in fire ants: the relationship between patterns of gene expression and protein sequence evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 30:263-271. pdf
Simola DF, Wissler L, Donahue G, Waterhouse RM,Helmkampf M, Roux J, Nygaard S, Glastad KM, Hagen DE, Viljakainen L, Reese JT, Hunt BG, Graur D, Elhaik E, Kriventseva EV, Wen JY, Parker BJ, Cash E, Privman E, Childers CP, Munoz-Torres MC, Boomsma JJ, Bornberg-Bauer E, Currie CR, Elsik CG, Suen G, Goodisman MAD, Keller L, Liebig J, Rawls A, Reinberg D, Smith CD, Smith CR, Tsutsui N, Wurm Y, Zdobnov EM, Berger SL, Gadau J. 2013. Social insect genomes exhibit dramatic evolution in gene composition and regulation while preserving regulatory features linked to sociality. Genome Research. 23:1235-1247. pdf
Hall DW, Yi SV, Goodisman MAD. 2013. Kin selection, genomics and caste-antagonistic pleiotropy. Biology Letters. 9: doi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0309. pdf.
Gravish N, Garcia M, Mazouchova N, Levy L, Umbanhowar PB, Goodisman MAD, Goldman DI. 2012. Effects of worker size on the dynamics of fire ant tunnel construction. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 9:3312-3322. pdf
Hall DW, Goodisman MAD. 2012. The effects of kin selection on rates of molecular evolution in social insects. Evolution. 66:2080-2093. pdf
Kovacs JL, Goodisman MAD. 2012. Effects of size, shape, genotype, and mating status on queen overwintering survival in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. Environmental Entomology. 41:1612-1620. pdf
Hunt BG, Ometto L, Wurm Y, Shoemaker D, Yi SV, Keller L, Goodisman MAD. 2011. Relaxed selection is a precursor to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. pdf
Glastad KM, Hunt BG, Yi SV, Goodisman MAD. 2011. DNA methylation in insects: on the brink of the epigenomic era. Insect Molecular Biology. pdf
Abbot P, et al. Responses arising from “Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality”. Nature 472:E1-E4. pdf
Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium. 2011. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2010 – 30 September 2010. Molecular Ecology Resources. 11:219-222. pdf
Pearcy M, Goodisman MAD, Keller L. 2011. Sib mating without inbreeding in the longhorn crazy ant. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. pdf
Wurm Y, et al. The genome of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. 2011. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. pdf
Hunt BG, Brisson JA, Yi SV, and Goodisman MAD. 2010. Functional conservation of DNA methylation in the pea aphid and the honeybee. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2:719-728. pdf
Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD. 2010. Evolutionary variation in gene expression is associated with dimorphism in eusocial vespid wasps. Insect Molecular Biology. 19:641-652. pdf
Kovacs JL, Hoffman EA, Marriner SM, Goodisman MAD. 2010. Detecting selection on morphological traits in social insect castes: the case of the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 101:93-102.pdf
Goodisman MAD. In Memoriam – Ross H. Crozier. Entomologica Americana. 116:92-94. pdf
Hunt BG, Wyder S, Elango N, Werren JH, Zdobnov EM, Yi SV, Goodisman MAD. 2010. Sociality is linked to rates of protein evolution in a highly social insect. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27:497-500. Recommended by Faculty of 1000. pdf
Kovacs JL, Hoffman EA, Marriner SM, Rekau JA, Goodisman MAD. 2010. Environmental and genetic influences on queen and worker body size in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. Insectes Sociaux 57:53-65. pdf
Yi SV and Goodisman MAD. 2009. Computational approaches for understanding the evolution of DNA methylation in animals. Epigenetics. 4:551-556. pdf
Johnson EL, Cunningham TW, Marriner SM, Kovacs JL, Hunt BG, Bhakta DB, Goodisman MAD. 2009. Resource allocation in a social wasp: effects of breeding system and life cycle on reproductive decisions. Molecular Ecology. 18:2908-2920. pdf
Elango N, Hunt BG, Goodisman MAD, Yi SV. 2009. DNA methylation is widespread and associated with differential gene expression in castes of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 160:11206-11211. pdf
Hoffman EA, Kovacs JL, and Goodisman MAD. 2008. Genetic structure and breeding system in a social wasp and its social parasite. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8: art. 239. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Kovacs JL, Hunt BG. 2008. Functional genetics and genomics in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): The interplay of genes and social life. Myrmecological News. 11: 107-117. pdf
Kovacs JL, Hoffman EA, and Goodisman MAD. 2008. Mating success in the polyandrous social wasp Vespula maculifrons. Ethology. 114:340-350.pdf
Kovacs JL, Goodisman MAD. 2007. Irregular brood patterns and worker reproduction in social wasps. Naturwissenschaften. 94:1011–1014. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Kovacs JL, and Hoffman EA. 2007. The significance of multiple mating in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. Evolution. 61:2260-2267. pdf
Hoffman EA and Goodisman MAD. 2007. Gene expression and the evolution of phenotypic diversity in social wasps. BMC Biology. 5:23. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Kovacs JL, and Hoffman EA. 2007. Lack of conflict during queen production in the social wasp Vespula maculifrons. Molecular Ecology. 16:2589-2595. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Sankovich KA, and Kovacs JL. 2007. Genetic and morphological variation over space and time in the invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Biological Invasions. 9:571-584. pdf
Goodisman MAD. 2007. A theoretical analysis of variation in multiple mating in social insects. Sociobiolgy. 49:107-119. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Hahn DA. 2005. Breeding system, colony structure, and genetic differentiation in the Camponotus festinatus species complex of desert carpenter ants. Evolution. 59:2185-2199. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Isoe J, Wheeler DE, and Wells MA. 2005. Evolution of insect metamorphosis: A microarray-based study of larval and adult gene expression in the ant Camponotus festinatus. Evolution. 59:858-870. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Hahn DA. 2004. Colony genetic structure of the ant Camponotus ocreatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology. 44:21-33. pdf
Carew ME, Goodisman MAD, and Hoffmann AA. 2004. Species status and population genetic structure of grape vine eriophyoid mites. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 11:87-96. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Crozier RH. 2003. Association between caste and genotype in the termite Mastotermes darwiniensis (Isoptera: Mastotermitidae). Australian Journal of Entomology. 42:1-5. pdf
Evans TA. and Goodisman MAD. 2002. Nestmate relatedness and population genetic structure of the Australian social crab spider Diaea ergandros (Araneae: Thomisidae). Molecular Ecology. 11:2307-2316. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Matthews RW, and Crozier RH. 2002. Mating and reproduction in the wasp Vespula germanica. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 51:497-502. pdf
Goodisman MAD and R. H. Crozier. 2002. Population and colony genetic structure of the primitive termite Mastotermes darwiniensis. Evolution. 56:70-83. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Evans TA, Ewen JG, and Crozier RH. 2001. Microsatellite markers in the primitive termite Mastotermes darwiniensis. Molecular Ecology Notes. 1:250-251. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Matthews RW, and Crozier RH. 2001. Hierarchical genetic structure of the introduced wasp Vespula germanica in Australia. Molecular Ecology. 0:1423-1432. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Matthews RW, Spradbery JP, Carew ME, and Crozier RH. 2001. Reproduction and recruitment in perennial colonies of the introduced wasp Vespula germanica. Journal of Heredity. 92:346-349. Cover photo. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Crozier RH. 2001. Clines maintained by overdominant selection in hybrid zones. Hereditas. 134:161-169. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Ross KG, and Asmussen MA. 2000. A formal assessment of the effects of gene flow and selection in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Evolution. 54:606-616. pdf
Goodisman MAD, DeHeer CJ, and Ross KG. 2000. Unusual behavior of polygyne fire ant queens on nuptial flights. Journal of Insect Behavior. 13:455-468. pdf
Matthews RW, Goodisman MAD, Austin AD, and Bashford R. 2000. The introduced English wasp Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) newly recorded invading native forests in Tasmania. Australian Journal of Entomology. 39:177-179. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Mack PD, Pearse DE, and Ross KG. 1999. Effects of a single gene on worker and male body mass in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 92:563-570. pdf
DeHeer CJ, Goodisman MAD , and Ross KG. 1999. Queen dispersal strategies in the multiple-queen form of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. American Naturalist. 153:660-675. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Ross KG. 1999. Queen recruitment in a multiple-queen population of the introduced fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Behavioral Ecology. 10:428-435. pdf
Goodisman MAD, Shoemaker DD, and Asmussen MA. 1998. Cytonuclear theory for haplodiploid species and X-linked genes II. Stepping-stone models of gene flow and application to a fire ant hybrid zone. Evolution. 52:1423-1440. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Ross KG. 1998. A test of queen recruitment models using nuclear and mitochondrial markers in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Evolution. 52:1416-1422.pdf
Goodisman MAD and Ross KG. 1997. Relationship of queen number and queen relatedness in multiple-queen colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Ecological Entomology. 22:150-157. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Asmussen MA. 1997. Cytonuclear theory for haplodiploid species and X-linked genes I. Hardy-Weinberg dynamics and continent-island, hybrid zone models. Genetics. 147:321-338. pdf
Goodisman MAD and Ross KG. 1996. Relationship of worker size to queen number in polygyne colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Insectes Sociaux. 43:303-307. pdf